Orkney: Beside The Ocean of Time - AHRC Science in Culture

This is a project that aims to generate new understandings of the interrelationship between human community, Deep Time and landscape change by using an interdisciplinary approach that draws on Social Anthropology, Literature, Archaeology, Palaeoecology and Geology. The project team will work with Orcadian artist, Anne Bevan and our project partner, The Pier Arts Centre, to find innovative ways to investigate and represent time-depth in landscape, using Orkney as a model. The project will develop and pilot an interdisciplinary methodology that will enable new insights into Orkney’s rich literary, geological, palaeoenvironmental and archaeological heritage, which is coupled with contemporary concerns over coastal erosion and the political and economic importance of energy generation.

Our Art & Design Curriculum Leader Anne Bevan is artist in residence for this project. She will have an exhibition  at the Pier Art Centre from  21st April to 5th May. It is called Walking the Sound and you can find out more about it here: http://www.oceanoftime.uk/event/walking-the-sound-open-studio/  .

The Festival of Deep Time will take place from Friday 21st- Sunday 23rd April and is a series of workshops,talks and field trips. You can find out more here: http://www.pierartscentre.com/events/21/4/2017/festival-of-deep-time

The project will culminate in a public Festival of Deep Time, in April 2017, which will include an exhibition, and a series of public workshops, talks and field-trips, that will enable us to undertake further ethnographic fieldwork, by involving the community in a dialogue about perceptions of time-depth and landscape change. You can find more information here: http://www.oceanoftime.uk/

