Orkney College UHI signs pledge to develop sport
Orkney College UHI signs College Sport pledge to develop sport

During a visit on Friday 17th May 2019 by Scottish Student Sport and the Highlands and Islands Student Association, Orkney College UHI has signed a pledge that recognises the unique role, value and potential that sport and physical activity has to enhance College life. This is the first step on which Orkney College UHI Principal, Professor Eddie Abbott-Halpin thinks will be one that can help develop sport at Orkney College UHI, but Orkney more widely;
“I was delighted to welcome Stew , Chief Operating Officer at Scottish Student Sport to Orkney College UHI earlier this morning. By signing the College Sport Award pledge, I feel that between our students & staff here at the College and the Highlands and Islands Student Association we can really make sport and physical activity more widely a more prominent feature of Orcadian student life.”
“As educators we realise the key part that wellbeing and mental health plays in a student’s life and has a direct impact upon their wider experience at College. By signing this pledge we aim to progress work that will not only increase the physical activity of our students, but also help athletes across the county. We are working with a range of partners on several projects to meet this aim.”
Stew Fowlie commented:
‘It was a great pleasure to visit the staff at Orkney College UHI, and in particular to spend some quality time with Principal Eddie Abbot-Halpin talking about the future of physical activity and sport at the College. I got a clear sense of his commitment to active student lifestyles and I am certain that the College – with strong support amongst both students and staff – will do all that they can to advance this important agenda over the years to come. Orkney College may be a small institution but it has big ambitions, and I look forward to supporting their future progress through the SSS College Sport Award.’
The College Sport Award, supported by the Scottish Funding Council and endorsed by sportscotland, is a self-improvement framework for Colleges in Scotland who would like to develop or advance the sporting offer at their institution. The framework provides guidance, timelines, and targets to work to in delivering new opportunities for Staff, Students, and the surrounding communities.
Having signed the pledge, Orkney College UHI would work towards Bronze Level to then further work towards Silver and Gold.
It is a key piece of work for Scottish Student Sport in helping to build a world-class system for physical activity and student sport.