

Due to budget restrictions FTOs can no longer be financed. However, in partnership with the Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland continues to offer a wide range of other forms of support benefiting small businesses from Scotland’s Employer Recruitment Incentive to help in taking on a Modern Apprentice, or business consultancy available through Skills for Growth.

Our dedicated team of Employer Engagement Advisers can also offer advice and support, and SDS continues to work with employers and industry bodies on identifying the most effective forms of public sector assistance.

Call our employer helpline on 0800 783 6000 to explore the other products and services available to you.

SDS Individual Training Accounts (ITA)

Get up to £200 towards the cost of a training course with an SDS Individual Training Account (ITA)

You could use the money to build the skills you need for a job. Or get some training to take your career to the next level. Whatever you want to do, there is a wide range of ITA approved courses on offer.

And because it's not a loan you don't have to pay it back.

Sounds good? Start searching for an ITA approved course and apply online.

Is an Individual Training Account right for me?

You could receive up to £200 towards a single course or training episode per year. ITA funding could be right for you if you're:

  • 16 or over, not in education or involved in any other SDS funded programme
  • Unemployed and looking to get back into work
  • Employed in a low-income job and looking to progress in your career
  • Resident in Scotland

How to apply

You can search for ITA courses and apply online. You’ll need a valid email address and your National Insurance number to hand.

Once you’ve applied for funding, we’ll send you a confirmation email with details on what you need to do next. You must then book onto a course within four weeks of receiving your confirmation email.

To book a place, you’ll need to prove your income. Your confirmation email will list a note of the documents accepted as proof.

Courses costing more than £200

We’ll pay up to £200 towards the cost of your ITA approved training course. You’ll pay any outstanding balance direct to the training provider.


If you have a special requirement or a disability and would like some additional help, please contact our helpline on 0800 917 8000. We have a Textphone service for customers who are deaf: 0141 573 4883.

You can also email us at

Forces personnel

Under the temporary non-resident arrangements, forces personnel are treated as being resident at the establishment where they are based. If they are ordinarily resident* in Scotland but are serving overseas, they would be eligible.

*Ordinarily resident means that you live in Scotland year after year by choice, apart from temporary or occasional absences such as holidays or business trips. Living here totally or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education may not count as being ordinarily resident. If you are not a UK national, you must be settled in Scotland (as set out in the Immigration Act 1971) immediately before the date on which you made your application

Funding and support provision for employers

As employers you want to attract the best staff; recruiting and retaining those with the right skills to help your business develop and grow. However, we know that some recruitment practices make it harder for the people with the right skills to apply for, or secure employment.

If you are looking to develop a more inclusive workforce, but aren’t sure where to start, there is a range of support and training available that you or your staff can access. Specialist providers are on hand to help employers recruit individuals who may have had difficulties securing employment in the past due to a disability, their gender, race or being care experienced. There is also financial support available to help employers make reasonable adjustments to enable someone to join or return to the workforce, as well as incentives to encourage employers to recruit individuals who require additional support.

For more information about the support that is available to employers in Orkney, including contact details, click here.